The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous offer practical tools that open doors to freedom, healing and new life.  We are all addicted to ways that block our relationship to God, others and our true selves. In this workshop Fr. Anthony Ciorra will explore the spiritual wisdom of the twelve steps that can change your life forever.

This talk is for everyone.  You do not have to be in a Twelve Step program to benefit from the wisdom of the steps.

Speaker: Fr. Anthony Ciorra, Ph.D.
Saturday, October 21
9:30 AM –12:00 PM
San Damiano Hall

About Fr. Anthony Ciorra, Ph.D.

Fr. Anthony Ciorra has graduate degrees in theology, psychology and spirituality. He has written and spoken on multiple topics and themes in theology and spirituality. He has served inn the parish ministry, education and formation work. He gives talks and retreats throughout the United States, Europe and the Middle East. He is involved in the dialogue among Jews, Christian and Muslims

All are Welcome!