Today at Mass the speakers remind all of us that we don’t just “attend” Mass, but that we are part of a faith community; we are committed to this church at this time. To keep our church running and providing Masses, confessions, programs and ministries daily, your nancial commitment is necessary. Many people responded in years past to the One Hour Program either by increasing their weekly donation or by signing up for online giving. By signing up online, you don’t have to worry about having cash for the collec- tion. This has helped our income greatly. Still, I find that the number of $1 bills in the collection is surprising. If this is all that you can afford, I am grateful, but consider what $1 means in today’s economy in Manhattan. It is rare that you can find anything for $1 – not even at Jack’s. All of our expenses are more than last year. We have worked together over the year to take care of necessary repairs and expenses. I know that I can count on your continued participation now.
-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.