Jesus, speaking about the Scribes and Pharisees in today’s Gospel, says: “…do not follow their example.” The example of anyone’s life is something of importance. We may not think much of this, but when we were growing up, our parents reminded us that certain people’s example was not to be followed, while others set a good example. The Scribes and Pharisees knew the law and what they were supposed to do, but were far from setting a good example. As difficult as it may be, we try to have our words, and our deeds flow from what we believe. Are you concerned about setting a good example?

While you are reading this, I am on a pilgrimage with 54 people from St. Francis to Fatima, Spain and Lourdes. Each day we pray for you at one of the holy shrines. On Saturday we drove to the famed Santiago de Compostela, visiting the holy cities of Coimbra and Braga on the way. Queen Saint Isabel is buried in Coimbra and in Braga is the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception of Portugal. Today we have a tour of Santiago de Compostela with its magnificent cathedral where the remains of the apostle, St. James, are housed. Tomorrow, we will drive through the countryside to the university town of Salamanca. Everyday there is so much to see that is inspiring. We will be going to Avila and Madrid and finally, we will end up in Lourdes, France. You are in our prayers.

-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.

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