June 2018
Offertory Collections in Church: 39,640
Online Sunday Collections: 16,551*
Total Sunday Collections for June 2018: 56,191
Total Weekday Collections for June 2018: 27,191
Total Sunday and Weekdays for June 2018: 83,382
Budgeted for June 2018: 83,333
June 2017
Offertory Sunday Collections in church: 39,947
Online Sunday Collections: 7,190*
Total Sunday Collections for June 2017: 47,137
Total Weekday Collections for June 2017: 25,792
Total Sunday and Weekdays for June 2017: 72,929
Budgeted for June 2017: 83,333
* Please Note: the online giving numbers for June 2017 and 2018 were incorrectly reported in this week’s bulletin. These are the corrected figures.
Thank you to all of our faithful stewards. All Christians are called to financially support the church as part of our discipleship. We ask all of our people to strive to offer ONE HOUR of their weekly pay to support the church, which is 2.5%. If you haven’t yet committed to your offering, we invite you to sign up for ONLINE GIVING NOW HERE.