For Christmas this year, we have added doves to our Christmas trees in the sanctuary. Each dove is a symbol of our prayer, our hope, and our remembering.

Some doves bear the names of people who are suffering from this pandemic: Those who have died from the virus, those struggling with the virus right now, and those who are out of work due to the economic impact of the pandemic.

Other doves bear the names of the humble heroes who continue to put themselves in harms way to make sure the rest of us are OK during this difficult time:  medical personnel, first responders and essential workers.

Here are the names submitted by members of our community to be remembered:

Angie Edwards
Gloria Gannon
Norma Ordonezp
Angel Julbe
Maria Mercado
Joan Melone
Andre Solomon
Mark Broadway
Louise Hansen-williams
Gloria Gannon
Andrea Zeluck
George W Hunkele
Daniel Lynch
Teresa E Frees
Adam Brenner
Fabienne Krotkine
Nurses of The Cleveland Clinic
Shilpa Shah
Ramonita Ramos
Mary Kunert
Diane Deverau Long
Andrea Figueroa
James Schmittlrr
Michael Reilly
John Kunert
Victor Morales
Asterio Martin
Cherie La Pelusa
Dr Costanza