Summer Stretch: A Poetry Workshop

Meetings on ZOOM

Mondays 6:00 – 8:00 PM
July 10-August 7

Instructor: Sr. Fran McManus, RSM

This five-week workshop will provide practice in using tools of the poetic trade.  Rhyme and meter, figurative language, point of view and line length will be among course topics. We will consider recent trends in narrative poetry, but writers will not be restricted to that genre.   We will also discuss ways to generate and revise poems. Beginning with the second class, students will have the opportunity to present their work to the class.  Beginners and long-term practitioners are welcome, but enrolment is limited in order for each student to have the opportunity to present their work for a class response.

Enrollment is limited to 15 students.

Fee: $50.00 

(financial assistance is available, please email Joseph Nuzzi at [email protected] for information)