The 2024 Cardinal’s Appeal has begun!

“Blessed are all who take refuge in Him!” (Psalm 2)

In our Archdiocese, 2.8 million Catholics and countless of our non-Catholic brothers and sisters take refuge in the Lord through His Church and her ministries. The Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal exists to fund the expansive efforts of our Archdiocese to provide every person with an encounter with Jesus and a confidence that He, present in every church in the most Holy Eucharist, is our refuge.

The funds that we give to this year’s Appeal will be used to address the following needs of the archdiocese:

  • Financially Vulnerable Parishes
  • Charitable Outreach and Pastoral Support
  • Evangelization, Communications, and Catholic Education
  • Formation of New Parish Priests
  • Care for Retired Priests

For more information about what your contribution is used for click here.


If you would like to make a contribution to this year’s appeal click HERE.

Please remember to select “Direct my gift to” and select “St. Francis of Assisi, New York” from the drop-down menu.  This does not mean that St. Francis will receive these funds, it just means that the Archdiocese knows that your donation came from our community.

Here is a message from Cardinal Dolan for this year’s appeal: