My name is Carmen and I am grateful to be a part of this wonderful community. I started fostering cats in 2017 for a rescue group and became devoted to the patron saint of animals St. Francis of Assisi.  In 2022, I stumbled across the St. Francis of Assisi church and attended a service. I enjoyed it so much I even brought my mom who came from out of town to visit one time to experience it as well!

I was raised Catholic but had only been baptized previously. My family migrated from Guatemala in 1992 and due to various reasons (language barrier and adjusting to a whole new environment) I was unable to complete my Sacraments. Most of the churches we attended while growing up were not as inviting or supportive of everyone. This unfortunately, led me to distance myself from church when I was in college.

Over the years I have grown in my Catholic faith but had not found a church or community that felt comfortable or inviting to attend regularly.

In 2023, I saw an ad in the Sunday bulletin about completing the sacraments and reached out to Joe Nuzzi for more information. Joe was so welcoming and told me to attend the next RCIA class.

I was extremely nervous and unsure of what to expect when I first attended the class. I was happily surprised that the RCIA team and fellow classmates were so welcoming and supportive. I learned so much from our RCIA classes and breaking of the word on Sundays. This newfound knowledge helped draw me closer to God.

The whole experience has been quite amazing for me. I have been able to make new & meaningful connections with the community, especially my Godmother Tamara.

Throughout this process I have been able to share a lot of what I learned with my family/friends and have gained more than I imagined.

I want to thank Joe, the whole RCIA team, my RCIA class and the community for all your continued support and prayers and look forward to sharing more moments with you.

If you need to complete your sacraments or are interested in exploring the Catholic faith, I would encourage you to click here and find out more.