Father Brian Jordan, OFM has been a Franciscan friar for forty-five years and ordained to the ministerial priesthood for forty-one years.  He was ordained by James Cardinal Hickey in St. Camillus Church on May 14, 1983.  Besides his Master of Divinity degree, he also holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Andover Newton Theological School in Massachusetts and a Master of Professional Studies in industrial and labor relations from Cornell University, New York.  He has served in multicultural parishes in the Bronx and Manhattan, Boston, and Silver Springs, Maryland.  He also served as the Director of Campus Ministry at St. Francis College, Brooklyn.  Fr. Brian is also no stranger to the Church of St. Francis of Assisi.

He is the author of two books and has written numerous articles concerning pastoral ministry in the Church. He was a chaplain at the World Trade Center in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.  He is also a chaplain for many construction workers’ labor unions. He is a former marathoner who has completed 61 marathons and other competitive races.  After a double knee replacement two years ago, he now he just takes long, meaningful walks! He strives to live in good health. He has received many awards including the Maryland Governor’s Award for Social Services in Annapolis both in 1995 and 1999.

Father Brian is excited to return as pastor to the Church of St. Francis of Assisi.