The feast of St. Anthony will be celebrated online this year due to the Coronavirus restrictions still in place.
The Feast this year will consist of the following:
Novena to St. Anthony with reflections by Fr. Bill Beaudin, OFM
June 4 – 12 prayers will be posted on our Novena page, on our Facebook page and on our Vimeo site.
Click HERE for the Novena page.
Baking St. Anthony Bread with Fr. Michael Carnevale, OFM
June 11, 4:00 PM. this is a live event that will be streamed on our Facebook page
Picturing St. Anthony with Fr. Tim Shreenan, OFM
June 12 the pre-recorded presentation will be posted at this page, on our Facebook page and on our Vimeo site.
Festive Mass in honor of St. Anthony of Padua, presided by Fr. Andrew Reitz, OFM
June 13, 11:00 AM Our Mass will be streamed live on our homepage, on our Facebook page and on our Vimeo site.