Have you or are you experiencing a sense of grief or loss?

St. Church of St. Francis of Assisi will be offering a new Bereavement Group beginning on Wednesday, February 1st. The group will run for 6 weeks from 6:30—8 pm. This is an in-person group and is for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. This small group format allows everyone to share their experiences and feelings.

Please note that our February/March bereavement group is now filled. Check back on this site for an announcement about our next bereavement group which will be held sometime later in the spring.

Our Bereavement Support Group will meet on six Wednesdsays from

Wednesday, February 1st to March 15th (no meeting on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22)
6:30 to 8:00 pm
in second floor conference room in the Francis house

Fr. Michael Carnevale and Fr. Steve Patti will co-facilitate the group.

Space is limited, if you are interested please call Fr. Steve Patti, O.F.M. at 212-736-8500, Ext. 226 or or email him at [email protected] or Fr. Michael Carnevale at [email protected] to inquire.

Interested persons should be at least three months into the grieving process.

Pre-registration is required.