Christmas welcome from St. Francis of Assisi Church, New York

Blessed Christmas, everyone. During this holy Christmas season, we celebrate the Birth of Jesus. Thank you for joining us. At this blessed time and every day, St. Francis of Assisi Church welcomes the Christ who comes among us in you.

Come all ye faithful, joining us with family and friends come all who are alone. Come you have recently lost someone close to you. Come you who are with someone special. No matter where your life journey has led you, come to this celebration.  Come… Christ is here, and you are welcome.

Come you who are treasured parishioners. Come most welcome guest. Come, you for whom it has been some time since you have entered a church. Come you who are of another faith tradition. Come you who are you seeking a faith tradition. Come… Christ is here, and you are welcome.

Come, all ye faithful, Single, Married, Divorced, or Widowed. Come you who are Gay or Straight. Young and old, rich or poor come, do not delay. Come… Christ is here, and you are welcome.

Come you who have experienced abuse or violence or natural disaster. Come all who have been hurt in the past and feel unable to move on. Come you who are struggling in life, financially, emotionally, or spiritually. Come you who have been away. Come you who have been living in darkness, be light with us. All are welcome to come in Christ. Come with shepherds, magi, angels, saints, and sinners. Together we walk in the joyful hope of our God’s welcome! Come… Christ is here, and you are welcome.

2020 has been a difficult journey for many of us. Yet, we are truly blessed and humbled to be sharing in this joyous moment together. We celebrate the birth of Christ, the Son of God, who was born long ago in Bethlehem and is still among us today. Let us, in the silence of our hearts, wish our family and friends those near or far away, the living and the deceased, a Blessed Christmas. (allow for some silence)

In a manger, in a town far away, among shepherds, and in the dark of night, Jesus was born. Our salvation dawned. We celebrate this great feast of God’s love: a love so great that God sent his Son to dwell among us. Let us again hear the song of the angels.  Come… let us adore him together.