The Church of St. Francis of Assisi is an urban ministry center staffed by the province of Our Lady of Guadalupe and their partners in ministry.

Last fall, nearly 700 Franciscan friars came together to form the new Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a historic moment for Franciscan life in the United States. The Province chose Our Lady of Guadalupe as our patroness because of her ties to North America. Her compassion and advocacy for people who are oppressed and suffering calls us to live in solidarity with people who have been marginalized. This call for a Day of Fasting and Prayer for Migrants this Thursday, February 20, 2025 is from the Provincial Council of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

As we witness what is happening on the immigration front in our country and the fear and angst that many families are experiencing, we approach our Lord with humility in prayer for refugees, migrants and people who are displaced in this world. We prayerfully encourage you to join us in observing our Provincial Day of Fasting and Prayer for Migrants for comprehensive, just and compassionate immigration reform and for all immigrants, this Thursday, February 20, 2025.

This coincides with World Day of Social Justice, proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2007 and observed for the first time in 2009. This observance and the Provincial Day of Fasting and Prayer for Migrants are powerful reminders that “a society for all” must be based on social justice and respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all as daughters and sons created in God’s own image.

At our recent provincial synod in Kansas City, the Franciscan Friars of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe committed ourselves to “welcome, protect and accompany migrants,” as stated in priority (#2) of our synod report, which reads: “The Gospel compels us to respond to the needs of the poor, marginalized (including women), and vulnerable persons, and our common home.” We invite you to pray this Litany for Day of Fasting and Prayer for Migrants, available in English and Spanish.

Mientras somos testigos de lo que está sucediendo en el frente de la inmigración en nuestro país y el miedo y la angustia que muchas familias están experimentando, nos acercamos a nuestro Señor con humildad en oración por los refugiados, migrantes y personas desplazadas en este mundo. Con este fin, el consejo provincial les invita a observar un Día Provincial de Ayuno y Oración por los Migrantes el Jueves, 20 de febrero.

Esta invitación coincide con el Día Mundial de la Justicia Social, proclamado por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en 2007 y observado por primera vez en 2009. Esta observancia y el Día Provincial de Ayuno Y Oración son recordatorios poderosos de que “una sociedad para todos” debe basarse en la justicia social y el respeto por los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales de todos como hijas e hijos creados a imagen de Dios.

Participar en un día de ayuno y oración se alinea con las prioridades delineadas en nuestro reciente sínodo provincial en Kansas City, donde nos comprometimos a “acoger, proteger y acompañar a los migrantes”, como se indica en la prioridad (#2) de nuestro informe sinodal. Dice: “El Evangelio nos obliga a responder a las necesidades de los pobres, marginados (incluidas las mujeres) y personas vulnerables, y nuestro hogar común”. Os invitamos a todos a rezar esta Letanía del Día de Ayuno y Oración por los Migrantes, disponible en inglés y español.