Genesis, Exodus, and Egypt: An Overview

This course will focus on relevant chapters from the books of Genesis and Exodus and the role of the land of Egypt as presented in the Hebrew scriptures. Another focal point will be the prophets and women of the time period such as the powerful matriarchs Sarah and Rebekah. Also, Jochebed, Miriam, Zipporah, and Bithiah, the women who played crucial roles in the life of Moses. Readings appropriate to the topic and archaeological reports will be presented.

There will be a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Date to be determined at the first class session.

Instructor: Denise De Vito, M.S. Ed.
Friday, November 3, 2023 and Friday November 10, 2023,
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM both days
(Please Note: there is an error in the print brochure listing the lecture beginning at 10 AM.  1 :00 PM is the correct time)

Francis Room

Fee: $70.00