SFA is thrilled that the city is once again blossoming. We have begun our PRIDE MONTH celebrations.
Our outdoor banners that were violently torn down by a vandal in 2019 have been replaced and hung back up.
Our favorite Jesuit, Fr. James Martin joined us for a movie night watch party in the Church on June 16th for his new documentary, Building A Bridge.
The film highlights our church at various moments and our commitment to make sure that all of God’s children feel welcome at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, including members of the LGBT community.
Below are some images from the film viewing.
Lastly, we invite you to please join us for our annual pre-pride, United in Love celebration. This Mass is a great opportunity to welcome your LGBT family members or friends who may be away from the Church to return.
United in Love, annual Pre-Pride Mass
Next Saturday, June 26, at 5:30pm in the Upper Church
and on livestream.