Make a new kind of New Year’s resolution!

Set aside time to pray about what (daily/weekly/monthly) change(s) you feel called to explore in 2024 to support our planet and all life upon it. Perhaps devote time each day to noticing the natural world around you: the sky, clouds, bird song, moon, or stars. Make a weekly visit to your local farmers market adding seasonal items into your meals. Swap out something small: a traditional toothbrush for one made of recycled yogurt containers. Choose an environmentally themed book / blog / organization each month on a topic that calls out to you to deepen your understanding of the positive impact that you can make. Enjoy, have fun, and thank you!

“Environmental problems are caused by billions of small, unthinking actions. They’ll be cured by billions of small, sensible actions, simple substitutions of environmentally conscious habits for thoughtless and wasteful ones.” Donella Meadows

For more information about the Laudato Si Circle here at St. Francis or to share your own tip of the week, email

For more information about the Laudato Si Circle here at St. Francis or to share your own tip of the week, email: