
It’s easy to stop unwanted catalogs from coming and cluttering up our common home.  Just call the 800 number and tell the agent that you love their product, that you know how to find them online, and that you are concerned about the environment.  Then ask them to please remove you from their mailing list.

Companies are getting more and more used to this idea and won’t bat an eye.  They’ve systematically begun to make this an option.  Some may make it a little more difficult.  You might have to actually go to their website and hunt for a way to cancel catalogs but it can be done and is worth the effort.  The tree outside will thank you.  Your mail carrier will thank you.
“The most important thing an individual can do right now is not be such an individual.”  Bill McKibben

For more information about the Laudato Si Circle here at St. Francis or to share your own tip of the week, email stfrancislaudatosi@gmail.com