With the beginning of this new church year, we are happy to announce that we are embarking upon a new, parish-wide ministry that will provide new ways for us to minister to others, ourselves and the world to help to bring about a healthier environment for us and everyone.

This Laudato Si Circle at St. Francis ministry comes from the Encyclical written by Pope Francis in 2015. In this letter to everyone in the world, Pope Francis calls on all of us to become better stewards of the environment. The ways in which we can make a difference range from small things we can do every day to large movements within our parish, our city and the world at large.

In the coming weeks there will be more information available about how we can do this individually and collectively. There will be meetings we can attend to learn more as well as to encourage others to join us! We will also have weekly tips on how we can contribute to healing the world through simple everyday activities and practices.

If you would like more information about our ministry, you can email us at: [email protected]