As part of our outreach to those in need, and in solidarity with the larger Catholic Community throughout the world, we periodically take up second collections to support the work of other Catholic ministries.  This Sunday we will be taking a collection for the Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation who work in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Their work is described below and they have provided us a PDF with images of their work.

Please be prepared to show our love and support this week when you come to Mass for the second collection, or you can make an additional donation online and simply put “Nazareth Sister” in the comments box on your donation.

Thank you!

Brief History of the Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation

The Congregation of the Nazareth Sisters of the  Annunciation was founded in 1955 by Rev. Lawrence Victor Bessone in the Diocese of Meru in Kenya. Currently the Congregation has about 200 members serving in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and few sisters working in USA.  Our Mission is to witnesses God’s Love to Humanity particularly to women, youth and the children in the spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

The Nazareth Sisters do take care of the homeless children; the orphans, street children; Aids Patients, Refugees, youth, mentally challenged, people with disabilities and provide medical care to the poor people in their village.  Many of these children go begging in the streets due to luck of food and necessities of life, and they become vulnerable targets of drugs. Also, poor people we serve live in the extreme poor conditions and the most affected are women and their children. Thousands of vulnerable people live in horrible conditions with no opportunity for improving their situation or getting out of poverty or escaping from evils that may surround them such as human trafficking, drugs alcohol and terrorism.    The Nazareth Sisters can only fulfil this mission of our Lord Jesus Christ with the support of people of good will like you. We rely on God’s providence through the missionary support. It is through such people like you that God’s blessings are known.

These disadvantaged people are waiting for someone to give support.  They need clothing, they need medical care, they need education, they need shelter and more especially they need love. Who is to have pity on these vulnerable people?  It is a challenge.

All the donations received from your parish will be designated for these vulnerable people who are waiting for someone to give support. Your prayers and contribution will be highly appreciated

Be assured of our prayers.  May God reward you for your generous heart.

Click HERE for a PDF of the work of the Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation: 2023 Mission Appeals Photos – parishes