Ready or not, the kingdom of God is upon us.
Love is set to come to life in our world and change everything! So, shake loose the cobwebs, wipe the weary from your eyes, and get set to open you mind, your heart, your soul, and your bellies.
We all take our daily physical nourishment from the foods we eat, and we take our spiritual nourishment from the Word of God. Join us as we combine these nourishing practices every Monday in Advent
Monday, November 28
Monday, December 5
Monday, December 12
Monday, December 19
6:30pm in the Clare Room.
The Soup is on! Join us for one, two, three or all four reflections.
Since soup is being served, please let us know that you are coming…. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Sponsored by the LGBTQ+ Ministry and CONVERGE @St. Francis