The Church of St. Francis of Assisi is creating small groups to gather together online to pray and share the Sunday scripture readings.  

These groups will meet for one hour, once per week for six weeks.  The groups will be led by dedicated volunteers who are trained to lead groups.  Resources, prayers and reflections will be provided by the staff of the Church of St. Francis.

We encourage you to give it a try as we try to remain connected to the Lord, to the Word and to each other during this time that we are apart.

What are the requirements to join:

  1. A willingness to pray together and share your faith around the Word of God with other members of our community.
  2. Ability to commit to meeting once per week for a six week commitment
  3. Comfortable using Zoom (Click here a tutorial on how to get started with zoom). It’s easy folks… don’t worry
  4. Ability to locate the weekly readings for Mass which are available for free at the US Bishops website here.

How to sign up:

If you are interested, please reply to this email (or email Joseph Nuzzi at [email protected]) with the following information:

  1. Your full name
  2. Day of week you prefer to meet (we will try our best to match you with a group forming on that day, but there are no guarantees)
  3. Time of day you prefer to meet:
    Morning, afternoon or evening

We will do our best to accommodate your preferences, but again we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet everyone’s preferences.

We are forming these groups to begin right after Memorial Day, so please submit your information as soon as possible.  Thank you.