Here are the collections for March 2018 compared to March of last year.

With Holy Week and Easter in March, collections were generally higher than other months.  Thank you to everyone who help us meet our financial needs.  If you haven’t signed up yet for online giving, you can do so right now HERE.

We ask our members to offer 2.5% of their income as their tithe to the church.

March 2018

Offertory Sunday Collections in church: $53,879

Online Sunday Collections: 20,953

Total Sunday Collections: 74,832

Total Weekday Collections: 16,968

Total Sundays and Weekdays: 91,800

Budgeted for March 2018: 83,333

March 2017

Offertory Sunday Collections in church: $44,325

Online Sunday Collections: 6,131

Total Sunday Collections: 50,456

Total Weekday Collections:34,148

Total Sundays and Weekdays: 84,604

Budgeted for March 2017:83,333