Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Francis of Assisi Church,

May the Lord give you peace.
The friars and all of the ministry at St. Francis wish you a blessed Thanksgiving. May you know the peace that is God’s gift at this time.
Many years ago, when I was in Little Falls, NJ, we began a blessing of bread, wine, and candles for Thanksgiving.  People would bring them to the church for the Thanksgiving Day mass. We continued this blessing while I was in Hartford, CT. Realizing that we may not all be able to get to church tomorrow, I am sending this blessing for you to use in your home. It was composed by one of my good friends. You may pray this with those with whom you gather and perhaps share it with those who may not be able to join at your table this year.
Blessings on this Thanksgiving and always,
-Fr. Tom Gallagher, ofm



Leader: Gracious God, in the beginning your Word summoned the light and by a pillar of fire you led your people through the dark night from slavery to freedom. Then, when the times had at last grown full and our eyes accustomed to our chosen darkness you sent your Son as Light of the World.

We pray you, bless these candles. May the radiance of their light reflect for us the brilliance of your light. May we see each other in their light as you see us, in love, in kindness, in goodness. We ask this in the power of your Spirit and the name of Jesus our Lord.


Leader: Gracious God, when your people’s journey became overwhelming and they had lost their way, you led them to new life and fed them with manna. Then, when they had grown accustomed to their hunger and their deafness, you spoke your Word, Jesus, into their hearts and fed them with the Bread of Life. We pray you, bless this bread. May the bread that is broken at our tables this Thanksgiving Day feed our hunger for communion, for peace, for wonder at your constant presence among us. We ask this in the power of your Spirit and the name of Jesus our Lord.


Leader: Gracious God, in the beginning your Word separated the waters and called forth from the earth the grapes that provide the wine to cheer our hearts. Then, when our covenant with you had been forgotten, you sent your Beloved to offer a new covenant in the cup, his life, that was poured out for us. We pray you bless this wine. May the wine we share at our tables bring us closer together in your love and with one another. May it be for us the wine of compassion, of healing, of reconciliation. We ask this in the power of your Spirit and the name of Jesus our Lord.