The Disappearing Christians of the Middle East

“Janine di Giovanni is a journalist, an international correspondent, and author of the recent book The Vanishing:  Faith, Loss, and the Twilight of Christianity in the Land of the Prophets.  The seminar will reference her book and explore the history of Christianity in Iraq, Egypt, Syria, and Palestine based on Janine di Giovanni’s years of traveling, research, and working in these areas.  Cultural and socioeconomic differences, discrimination, and persecution of the many different branches of Christianity will be discussed.  Other non-Christian faith traditions in the region will also be commented upon.

There will be a class visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on:
Friday evening, October 25th, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

Instructor: Denise  De Vito
Saturday, October 19, 2024
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Fee: 60:00