The Epiphany of the Lord
Picture a nativity scene in your mind’s eye. The scene likely includes figures arriving on camels, some elaborately dressed, with jeweled boxes containing precious gifts. These magi arrived from distant lands to pay homage to the Christ Child. We know little about the magi, but we do know that these visitors were not Jews. They represent people of all nations who will be drawn to the Lord. “Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance.” The Good News of Jesus cannot be limited to one people; all share in the promise of God’s mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Stewards of God’s
Grace Saint Paul speaks of the “stewardship of God’s grace” to which he was called. Like Saint Paul, each of us is to be a steward of God’s grace. A steward is one who is entrusted with something that belongs to another. The steward bears responsibility for what is entrusted to him or her. Saint Paul understands that his encounter with the Lord and his faith in Jesus Christ carry with them a sacred responsibility, to bring the news of salvation to all. We too have been blessed with much, including the gift of faith, and are called to be good stewards of all with which we have been entrusted. We do this by nurturing a faithful and faith-filled heart, responding to God’s grace through the attitudes and actions that make up our daily lives. We do this as well by sharing our faith and the impact of faith with others, so that they may be drawn to our Lord. This is a sacred responsibility, a blessing, a privilege.
Bearing Gifts
The magi brought gifts to the baby Jesus. What gifts do you bring to the Lord? You might have the gift of patience or understanding and bring this gift in your interactions with others. You might have a talent for bringing new ideas and creative insights into situations at home, work, parish, or your city. You might have a gift for helping people to work together for a great cause or purpose. All of these gifts have been given to you by God, to be used for God’s purposes, for God’s greater glory. All of these are glimpses of God’s grace, and like Saint Paul, you are called to be a good steward of them, as a sign of Christ’s life within you. You bring your gifts to the Lord by using them well, sharing them generously and responsibly in caring for others and for all of creation.
© J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.