Who are the members of Holy Name Province?

There are 325 Franciscan Friars in Holy Name Province serving people of God in a wide variety of settings – colleges, parishes, ministry centers, and diverse social ministries along the East Coast. Today we continue the mission of Saint Francis to make the message come alive in our contemporary world. We live in , suburbs and rural areas. Our backgrounds are diverse and our ministries are varied; most of us serve in pastoral roles, while others work in education, social ministry, administration, and manual trades.

What is our mission?

The core of Franciscanism is in living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Church according to the Rule of Life proposed and observed by Saint Francis of Assisi to preach this message to every creature. This is our purpose and mission. Our message is very simple: God loves each of us totally and unconditionally.

What makes the Franciscan Friars different?

The Franciscan Friars have always been thought of as “of the people and with the people.” Living in community is a core value and often helps the Friars put things a more “down to earth” perspective. The Friars never see themselves as better than anyone, and therefore they
are not usually judgmental and are very accepting of everyone, those who are in the faith community and those who are not.

All Are Welcome is at the core of Franciscan hospitality.