“…Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body but not the soul.”Throughout this Gospel for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the phrase “do not be afraid” is repeated several times. Jesus affirms our worth and value in this Gospel, but he is also aware of the dangers that exist. While some are dangers to our bodies, Jesus emphasizes that those which can destroy the soul are more dangerous. This is God’s world and God has given us freedom, but many times this freedom has been abused and evil exists. As Christians, even though we have “put on Christ”, we must be aware of those things that can “kill that spirit” that has been given to us.

Last Sunday, we had hospitality after six Masses. During the summer months, our monthly hospitality becomes “Sundae Sunday” with ice cream sundaes and all the toppings. The ice cream is provided by generous donations from a number of our parishioners. More people who come to Sundae Sundays than any other time that we have hospitality. I want to thank our generous benefactors for this treat and I also want to thank all the volun- teers who work each time we have hospitality.

-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.