In today’s Gospel for the Feast of the Transfiguration we hear: “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.” Peter, James and John had accompanied Jesus to the mountain and during the time that they were with Him, He was Transfigured before them and they heard a voice from heaven that said: “This is my beloved Son.” They wanted to stay on the mountain, but Jesus knew that He and his disciples must leave the mountain to do the work that God wanted them to do. Jesus knew what lay before Him, but the disciples seem unaware. Nothing could stop Jesus from “fulfilling the Father’s will,” no matter the cost. This determination and this spirit can be what we need at times to fulfill our daily responsibilities which are sometimes easy and pleasant and at other times, challenging.

This week we celebrate the Feast of St. Clare of Assisi. She was a woman who went against so many customs and “shoulds” of her time to establish a community of Sisters who followed the way of life of St. Francis. She advocated for the “privilege of poverty” which meant living day to day, trusting that God would provide what they needed. Other communities of women at that time relied on dowries that each woman brought or land holdings to supply them with their day to day needs. St. Clare and her Sisters’ way of life became so popular that other communities of Poor Clares began to be formed throughout Europe. The people in the town of Assisi would often go to her for healings or advice or her blessing.

All of our Masses this Friday, August 11 will remember this remarkable woman. Come, join us!

Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.