A king had a wedding feast for his son and many were invited, but they refused to come. This is what today’s Gospel is about. It ends: “Many are called but few are chosen.” You may ask yourself, “What is this all about? It doesn’t make sense.” Focus on the word “invited” and the reality that God invites us. He invites us to be part of “the way, the truth and the life” that Jesus shows us. But with an invitation, there is a need to respond. We are called to respond daily by the way that we live and follow the Gospel way of life. At some point in our life, we said “yes” and were Baptized and Confirmed, but it necessary to give this “yes” daily- each of us fulfilling our vocation whatever that may be. When we say “yes” each day, we come to know that we are “chosen.”
The weekend of October 28-29, we will have our annual “State of the Parish” presentation. We began this meeting to let everyone know the number of registered people in the parish, the various ministries, the blessing of many volunteers, new ministries and nances. This meeting will show how we continue to grow, what challenges we face in the future, and a closer look at our finances. There is much that goes on behind the scenes and this will give you an idea of what we deal with every day. We have so many blessings and are grateful to God, especially for you, our faithful parishioner. Come and learn more.
Next Sunday at 2 PM, our Fatima, Spain and Lourdes Pilgrimage will be meeting to go over the details of the Pilgrimage and this will give everyone a chance to meet each other. We have 55 people going on this Pilgrimage. It is sold out!
-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.