On this last weekend of 2017 we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. The church wants to show how important Jesus’ family was as he grew up and how important families are to us today. Many of us belong to several “families”: our birth family, our church family, some special families that include us, a small faith community, and more. This is where we feel “at home” and have developed some good relationships over the years.

The second reading for today’s Mass is helpful and tells us what we look for in a “family” and what we want to offer any family that we belong to: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. When we find this in a “family,” we have found a great treasure – this is where we belong.

I hope that you had a Blessed and Merry Christmas and are enjoying these days in the Christmas season. These are busy weekends here in church with the many Masses. Thank you for your Christmas donations, the cards, the gifts, and the greetings. There were many visitors at all of our Christmas Masses from many countries. I hope that we are their “home” away from home for worship.

I am happy to announce that we will have a Pilgrimage in 2018. This will be a 12-day journey, November 5 to 16, to several cities in Poland as well as Budapest, Vienna and Prague. All are beautiful cities with much to see and experience. The cost is $2,899 which includes airfare, hotels, most meals, tour director, transportation and more. There are brochures available at the reception desk, or I can email you the information. Sign up early.

-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.