On this Second Sunday of Easter, we hear about doubt and belief. Are you a believer? Are you a doubter? Our answer to both questions most likely is “yes.” Thomas is a clear example of someone searching for a solid faith and so he responds to the other apostles who tell him that they have experienced the risen Lord by saying “I will not believe.” He wants to see the nail marks and the wound in Jesus’ side. Wouldn’t you? Thomas is not disappointed because a week later the apostles are gathered together again and this time with Thomas. His response is “My Lord and my God” after he is able to see and touch Jesus’ hands, feet and side. Throughout this Easter season, a fitting response to all that we experience during these weeks is Thomas’ response “My Lord and my God.”
Our Filipino Community is sponsoring an overnight Pilgrimage to Boston the weekend of May 12 and 13. I will be accompanying the Pilgrimage and we will make visits to our Franciscan Shrine of St. Anthony in downtown Boston and the JFK Presidential Library. If restoration is nished, we will also visit the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Boston is an exciting city and our Friars have been in the downtown area since the 1950’s at our Workers’ Chapel. Contact information may be obtained at the Reception Desk.
Open to all.
There still are spaces available for the November Poland and Eastern Europe Pilgrimage, but they are going quickly. Email [email protected] for more information or for a registration form.
-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.