Dear Community and Friends of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, May the Lord give you peace.

I thank everyone who participated in the Pre-Pride mass last weekend. It was a great celebration of the Lord’s love for all. Special thanks to the musicians, dancer, lectors, Ministers of the Eucharist, and Ministers of Hospitality. The participation was beautiful. We are indeed blessed by the richness of our community.

We have been asked to raise $73,000.00 for the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. We have pledged $40,000.00 to date. Please consider your means and be as generous as you are able. This appeal supports Catholic Charities and the Gospel’s mission in the Archdiocese.

Last week we hosted a Job Fair. Thank you, Fr. Julian, and all who made this possible. The line outside of San Damiano Hall was amazing. I hope that the folks seeking employment will be successful. I met with a man last Sunday who is struggling to find work. He has moved from city to city and has been unsuccessful in finding anything. Please keep all who are seeking employment in your prayers.

The Gospel this weekend reminds us of our care for the homeless and all who are in need. The Lord recognizes as blessed all who gives even a cup of cold water to someone who is thirsty. In recognizing the humanity of the person, we receive Christ. As surely as we receive the Lord in the Eucharist, we receive him in the person who is in need. We are blessed indeed.

I visited St. Petersburg last week and met with the friars there. Frs. Jerome Massimino, Joseph Hertel, Anthony Carrozzo, Kevin Tortorelli, and Vincent Laviano send their best. I do not yet have a departure date. I thank you for this short time that I have been with you. You have blessed my life.

Peace and all Good,

Fr. Tom, ofm