In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” The apostles had been out among the crowd that was following them and had been so busy that “they had no opportunity even to eat.” Jesus calls them to come and step away from their busy lives. He had done the same himself, going to deserted places for time to pray and be renewed. He knew that their ability to be good shepherds depended on their relationship with the Father and the way that they managed their time and energy. We need to have the same balance in our lives no matter what our responsibilities. I hope that during this summer you will have time to relax and be refreshed. Whether you go on a trip or stay here locally, build in time to enjoy this time of the year.

The course on the Psalms this week will feature Fr. Timothy Shreenan speaking on how the Psalms have inspired artists and musicians over the centuries. His presentation on Wednesday, July 25, will include examples of beautiful illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The presentation will be given at 12 Noon and repeated at 6:15 PM. On Thursday there will be a Solemn Celebration of Vespers in the church, showing how the Psalms are part of our worship. Vespers or Evening Prayer is said or sung every day by those who pray the Liturgy of the Hours. It is a beautiful way to end this series on the Psalms.

-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.