St. Luke quotes a famous saying of Jesus in today’s Gospel: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” He is bringing out the point that the humble person will be open to the various types of people that are found around them. Jesus speaks about a dinner and the invited guests and indirectly asks “who would you invite?” We know that Jesus had close friends in his circle, but he was always expanding it and at times even going to dinner at someone’s house when no one would think of going there. This open vision is life giving – it gives life to those included and life to the person who is including others. Do you find this an easy thing to do?

Just a reminder that our RCIA classes begin next week. Who are these classes for? Any adult who would like to come into the church and has not been baptized or an adult who was baptized in another denomination and would like to become Catholic. Also, any adult who has not been confirmed. Contact Joe Nuzzi or come to the first class this week: check elsewhere in this bulletin for exact information.

I hope that you have an enjoyable Labor Day. This is an opportunity to thank God for the ability to work and to remember those who are unemployed or underemployed, those who are not satisfied with their current employment and those who work in terrible conditions or work with difficult people. It always is a blessing if you can work in an atmosphere of respect, mutual concern, and fairness. Not always easy to find, unfortunately.

-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.