The Rite of Acceptance is the first ritual that punctuates the journey of people who are entering fully into the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). During this ritual, converts are introduced to the community and initiated into the Liturgy of the Word. It is a time when a person goes from inquiring into our faith somewhat privately to proclaiming publicly that they desire to learn the Gospel from Christ himself among us. During this Rite they “meet the family” by being introduced to the community during Mass and after this point they join the “family dinner” each week by coming with us to Mass on Sunday.
At this Rite we also hand over to the converts our most cherished blessing: the sign of the cross. We hand over this ancient ritual to them and we commend them to the protection of the Lord who Himself will lead his new disciples to the waters of Baptism, to Confirmation and to the Eucharist.
We will celebrate this Rite at the 5 PM Mass on Sunday, November 21st.
Join us at the Mass and at our after Mass hospitality to welcome our candidates.
Here are photos of the Rite of Acceptance from last year. Photos courtesy of Keith Kemp.