We are all familiar with the Via Crucis, the Way of the Cross and the suffering that the Lord endured for our salvation. But the Cross is only half of the story… or maybe even less. The cross was overcome by the Lord’s resurrection. He broke the bonds of death and opened for all the glory of eternal life.

The Via Lucis invites us to contemplate the crowning event of salvation history as we walk the way of Light.

We invite you to make this devotion part of your prayer during the Easter Season.  We pray the Via Lucis after the 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM Masses each Friday of the Easter Season.

You can pray along with us with our Via Lucis Booklet HERE.


Or you can pray the Via Lucis at any time following along with the recorded prayer below.  This prayer was pre-recorded at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, April 19, 2020.