Winter Session 40 Hour Immigration Course
- Based on the Immigrant Legal Resource Center curriculum using
the 21st edition of A Guide for Immigration Advocates - For those who work or volunteer for nonprofit organizations and for lawyers desiring to practice immigration law
- Non-lawyer participants who successfully complete the course
will receive ILRC certificates - 42 CLE credits (including 4 ethics credits) for New York attorneys
approved by the New York Continuing Legal Education Board - Scholarship and tuition discounts are available especially for
staff and volunteers of nonprofit organizations - Tuition assistance based on financial hardship is available for licensed attorneys
14 Tuesdays from February 26 to June 25, 2019, 6:00-9:00 PM
Place: San Damiano Hall, 129 West 31st Street
Tuition: $750.00 (includes the 2-volume 21st edition of A Guide for Immigration Advocates which normally costs $350)
For more information and to register, contact The Migrant Center at St. Francis of Assisi (212-736-8500, Ext. 305) or email Rhodora Ratera at [email protected].