Hot Dog!

We are halfway through our year-long journey of sharing tips on how to care for our common home.Right about now we may need a seventh inning stretch. Maybe the tips have gone in one ear and out the other. Maybe we have made changes and are wondering if it’s doing any good. That’s the way it is with the climate crisis. It can be overwhelming and our problems won’t get solved in one day. Time to let go. Get up. Walk around. Have something to eat. Ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration.

Settle on one thing in your life to change. Just one. Be the turtle who hits a home run.

For an archived list of tips go to

“God calls us to generous commitment and to give him our all, offers us the light and the strength needed to continue on our way. …he has united himself definitively to our earth, and his love constantly impels us to find new ways forward.”  Pope Francis (LS245)

For more information about the Laudato Si Circle here at St. Francis or to share your own tip of the week, email:

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