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Did you know that anyone can help maintain and care for our city’s trees? Not only are you welcome but you are encouraged to do so. We have a half-million street trees here which are cared for by the Parks Department, local neighborhood associations, and individuals like you. Choose one near your home or one that you happen to pass by every day. You’re free to work
the soil, lay mulch, and plant flowers. Hang a sign to remind people that dog poop and pee kills trees. Call 311 to request a tree guard or make one yourself.

For Dos and Don’ts, visit https://www.nycgovparks.org/

“Not everyone is called to engage directly in political life…Some, for example, show concern for a public place…and strive to protect, restore, improve or beautify it as something belonging to everyone.” Pope Francis (LS232)

Sign up here for “Let It Begin With Trees” on Saturday April 27th. Get some hands-on experience in the company of neighbors.

For more information about the Laudato Si Circle here at St. Francis or to share your own tip of the week, email: [email protected]

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