“I Just Wanna Say One Word To You”
Many of us remember this famous line from the 1967 film “The Graduate”. It did indeed foreshadow a booming industry but now we know that we’re shipping our plastic waste to Malaysia. Out of sight out of mind but not out of our environment and not making anything easier for anyone. The plastics industry would like you to believe that if only you would recycle properly, if you would help them, the problem would be solved. It’s a lie. Unlike glass, paper, and metal which are successfully recycled, plastic recycling does not work for many reasons and it’s not your fault. The only solution is to move beyond plastic.
When faced with the choice, choose the thing that is NOT in plastic. If you make only one adjustment in your daily life to care for our Earth, let it be this. To learn more go to https://www.beyondplastics.org/
“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.” Pete
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