The Pastor’s Corner
What is our value or importance as Christians? St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians says: “God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise…and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong…” In our day-to-day lives, the way that we are to do this is shown in the Beatitudes, which we hear in today’s Gospel (Matthew 5:-12). Read through this list and you immediately recognize that they are not qualities that many people would choose, but they are at the heart of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Aren’t these characteristics of Jesus? We see him showing these publically throughout the Gospels. The Beatitudes present to us a way of life that has changed the world and continues to do so. Spend some time this week reading slowly this Gospel.
The Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal has begun. Many of you may have received a letter from Cardinal Dolan asking for your support in this year’s appeal. Our church’s goal was set at $98,500 by the Archdiocese. Last year, you contributed nearly $67,000 and I am grateful to all of you who helped reach this amount. While we did not reach our goal of $100,000, I am happy that this much was contributed through your generosity. Thank you! You will be hearing more about this year’s appeal and will be receiving a letter from me soon.
-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.