All Soul’s Day Mass of Remembrance
In addition to our 11:00 AM All Souls Day Mass on Saturday, November 2, we will have our annual All Souls Day Mass of Remembrance on Wednesday, November 13th at 6:30 PM. This is because All Souls Day falls on a Saturday, and our special liturgy would otherwise conflict with our Saturday evening Vigil Masses for Sunday.
St. Francis of Assisi is a church community of people from all over the world. Whether we come from other countries or other parts of the United States, many of us are in New York far from family and friends. Often we face the reality of grieving for lost loved ones from afar.
So on Wednesday, November 13th, we will gather to remember and celebrate the lives of our loved ones who have gone before us to live in the light of the Lord. You, your family and friends are invited to join us either live or virtually for our annual Mass of Remembrance for those who have died.
The names submitted by mail or online of those you would like remembered at this Mass will be placed in the sanctuary. We also invite everyone who attends to bring or submit a photo or memento of someone you have lost, which will also be placed in the sanctuary during the Mass.
Our Book of Names of the Dead has been placed in the Pieta Chapel at the rear of the church for everyone to inscribe the names of our beloved deceased family and friends. It will remain there until the beginning of Advent.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.