Change to Livestream Schedule
Beginning October 6, we will no longer livestream our daily Mass. Please join us for our Sunday 11:00am or 5:00pm livestreamed Masses. Special events will also be livestreamed. You can find our livestream page here.
Beginning October 6, we will no longer livestream our daily Mass. Please join us for our Sunday 11:00am or 5:00pm livestreamed Masses. Special events will also be livestreamed. You can find our livestream page here.
If any of these apply to you or someone you know, feel free to contact us.
The process by which people explore our faith and prepare to join the church is called the “Order of Christian Initiation of Adults” (OCIA). Until recently the process was called the “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults”, and you will still often see it referred to as the RCIA. You don’t need to worry about that though. All you need to do if you are curious about Christianity in general or Catholicism in particular is contact us and we can help.
Our OCIA will begin Tuesday, September 17th, 2024. We meet every Tuesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
The OCIA at St. Francis of Assisi is free of charge.
If you would like to find out more about our Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, click here
Or fill out this form:
Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation, along with Baptism and First Eucharist. Most Catholics in the US receive Confirmation in their teen years. Some Catholics, for one reason or another, find themselves needing to receive this sacrament as an adult. This is totally fine, and we can help!
At the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, we regularly assist Catholic adults who want to receive Confirmation.
Here are some reasons why you should complete your Confirmation:
Our confirmation preparation will begin Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 6:30 PM. Classes are held every Tuesday at 6:30.
To find out more about our Confirmation preparation, please fill out this form below:
Labor Day is Monday, September 2, 2024.
Here is our Holiday Schedule:
Mass at 12:00 PM
There are no confessions on Labor Day.
Church offices and the Adult Education Center will be closed for the day.
Have a restful and safe holiday!
The Power of Now
The folks over at Climate Action Now have done the hard part. They’ve gathered all the information and put it in one place. They’ll even plant some trees for you. Now all you have to do is swipe and click. In less than 5 minutes a day and all from your phone – in line at the store, on the bus, waiting for the coffee to perk – you can take powerful actions to care for the planet.
For a sneak peek at how it all works, watch this short video, then download the Climate Action Now app and begin.
“There’s nothing worse, as a climate scientist, than seeing your predictions play out… This is the face of climate change. It’s not subtle anymore. It’s not far off, distant. It’s here now.”
Dr. Michael Mann
For more information about the Laudato Si movement, email [email protected].
Joseph Nuzzi joined the staff of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi February 2007 as the Director of Evangelization.
Over the past 17 years Joe has directed our RCIA ministry, developed and led our Young Adult Ministry, our Converge Ministry, taught many Adult Education classes and took over leadership of our Adult Education ministry in 2021.
Joe is moving on to assume leadership of RENEW International in Plainfield, NJ.
About his departure Joe said, “This was a very difficult decision for me to make. I love the Church of St. Francis of Assisi. The people of this community are truly loving and welcoming. Working with the Franciscan Friars has been amazing, and I will especially miss my colleagues Meredith and Edward with whom I have been blessed to serve this community for 17 years. While I’m excited for the work and opportunity that I am taking on at RENEW, this church will always have a huge place in my heart.”
We will say farewell to Joe officially at the 5 PM Mass on Sunday, August 18th and his last day will be August 23, 2024.
Joe asks for prayers for success in his new ministry as he goes forward from the Church of St. Francis of Assisi.
Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is
This is a tough one. The financial industry’s involvement in the climate crisis is complicated. Here is where you’ll want to do your own research and see what works for you while still taking even a small step in the right direction. A recent report from shows that U.S. banks dominate fossil fuel financing. JPMorgan Chase remains the world’s worst funder of climate chaos and Citi, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America are still among the top 5 fossil financiers.
If your money is with these banks, it might be time to move it to where your heart is. Learn more and compare environmental banks at .
Start small. Move only some money. Start new accounts for babies and students with a new bank. Switch your credit card(s). The bottom line is that your money does talk. Banks wield tremendous power. So do you.
“All it takes is one good person to restore hope.” Pope Francis (LS71)
For more information about the Laudato Si Circle here at St. Francis or to share your own tip of the week, email [email protected]
Father Brian Jordan, OFM has been a Franciscan friar for forty-five years and ordained to the ministerial priesthood for forty-one years. He was ordained by James Cardinal Hickey in St. Camillus Church on May 14, 1983. Besides his Master of Divinity degree, he also holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Andover Newton Theological School in Massachusetts and a Master of Professional Studies in industrial and labor relations from Cornell University, New York. He has served in multicultural parishes in the Bronx and Manhattan, Boston, and Silver Springs, Maryland. He also served as the Director of Campus Ministry at St. Francis College, Brooklyn. Fr. Brian is also no stranger to the Church of St. Francis of Assisi.
He is the author of two books and has written numerous articles concerning pastoral ministry in the Church. He was a chaplain at the World Trade Center in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. He is also a chaplain for many construction workers’ labor unions. He is a former marathoner who has completed 61 marathons and other competitive races. After a double knee replacement two years ago, he now he just takes long, meaningful walks! He strives to live in good health. He has received many awards including the Maryland Governor’s Award for Social Services in Annapolis both in 1995 and 1999.
Father Brian is excited to return as pastor to the Church of St. Francis of Assisi.
It’s easy to stop unwanted catalogs from coming and cluttering up our common home. Just call the 800 number and tell the agent that you love their product, that you know how to find them online, and that you are concerned about the environment. Then ask them to please remove you from their mailing list.
Companies are getting more and more used to this idea and won’t bat an eye. They’ve systematically begun to make this an option. Some may make it a little more difficult. You might have to actually go to their website and hunt for a way to cancel catalogs but it can be done and is worth the effort. The tree outside will thank you. Your mail carrier will thank you.
“The most important thing an individual can do right now is not be such an individual.” Bill McKibben
For more information about the Laudato Si Circle here at St. Francis or to share your own tip of the week, email [email protected]
From Flushing to Tanzania, we all do. That’s why switching your toilet paper is a small action that can have a profound impact. Choose from bamboo or recycled materials without sacrificing quality. Bamboo needs little water to grow very quickly and it produces lower carbon emissions. Recycled paper saves trees and reduces landfill waste. In addition, many of the companies producing these green alternatives go beyond the product itself and offer two and three ply benefits. For example, Who Gives A Crap commits to plastic-free packaging and they donate 50% of their profits to organizations that build toilets and ensure access to clean water.
”Living with latrines at home allows us to live with dignity and good health.” Araia Tamayo, Nigeria
If you have a tip for not wasting food or if you have an APP that helps you care for our common home, please tell us about it. Email us at [email protected]
Click here to go to our page on the website for St. Francis Church.