Welcome: Showing Respect & Welcome in the Church to LGBT people.
The St. Francis of Assisi LGBT+ Ministry is hosting a lecture being given by Fr. James Martin S.J.
Welcome: Showing Respect & Welcome in the Church to LGBT people.
Monday, June 10 at
in the San Damiano Hall.
Jesus broke down barriers between people and proclaimed the Father’s love for all. He erased the divisions between Jews and Gentiles, slaves and free people, and even male and female (Galatians 3:28). Is the Church prepared to follow the Lord’s lead and continue to break down the barriers that divide God’s children today?
During this month that our society celebrates the life and dignity of LBGTQ people, we gather to consider how we can, and must, do better to welcome and respect all of God’s children.
This is free and open to the public.
Fr. Martin will be signing books at the end of the event.