The Pastor’s Corner
Happy New Year to Our Korean Brothers and Sisters!
We hear the calling of the first apostles in today’s Gospel. What strikes me is the response that came from them. Peter and Andrew’s response was “at once they left their nets and followed Him.” When Jesus called James and John, the response was “immediately they left their boat and their father…” There is much to be done and Jesus needs others to help Him accomplish this. What made them follow Jesus “at once” and “immediately”? John the Baptist had told them about the coming of the Messiah and recognizes Jesus as the Messiah. Now, there is an urgency to get the message out: “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” There is an urgency today to have the message get out there and penetrate society. The message of Jesus is an ongoing call – even for those who have already accepted it.
We realize that many people do not carry cash with them or not much cash. As a result, our Stewardship Committee has discussed other ways that people may give to St. Francis. We have had Online Giving for a while and the One Hour Program. For those who do not participate this way, we now have a way that you can TEXT your donation to St. Francis. The number is 917-983-3911. If you have any problems, email Joe Nuzzi at [email protected]. This should make it easy for you to do your share in supporting our church. We are grateful for your doing this.
Yes, there is a Pilgrimage from the church this year. Check the ad elsewhere in the bulletin for November’s 100th Year Anniversary Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela, Madrid, Salamanca and more. The cost is $2,749 which includes roundtrip airfare, bus transportation, tour guide, most meals, hotels, sightseeing and $100,000 flight insurance. To reserve a spot, a copy of your passport and check for $400 are needed. For a brochure online, email [email protected].
-Fr. Andrew Reitz, O.F.M.