Immigration Assistance
The Migrant Center at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi provides assistance to all immigrants regardless of status.
If anyone needs assistance or has concerns about immigration matters, please contact the Migrant Center at the Church at 212-736-8500, Ext. 305/377 or email [email protected].
Asistencia de Inmigración
El Centro de Migrantes en la Iglesia de San Francisco de Asís ofrece asistencia a todos los inmigrantes sin importar su estatus. Si alguien necesita ayuda o tiene preocupaciones sobreasuntos de inmigración, por favor comuníquese con el Centropara Migrantes en la Iglesia al 212-736-8500, Ext. 305/377 o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].
Aide aux Immigrants
Le Centre des Migrants à l’Eglise de Saint-François d’Assise aide tous les immigrants sans égard pour leur statut légal. Si quelqu’un a besoin de l’aide ou est inquiet des matières de l’immigration, entrez en contact, s.v.p., avec le Centre des Migrants à l’Eglise de Saint-François d’Assise à 212-736-8500, poste 305/377 ou envoyez-nous un e-mail à [email protected].
Statement of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, New York City in support of immigrants.
The mission statement of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi reads:
“We witness to our faith by ministering to everyone,
especially those who are poor, alienated or oppressed.”
We, the Friars and Staff of St. Francis Church, stand firm in fulfilling this mission especially for immigrants at this time of confusion and tension. Our mission comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our Franciscan heritage and in union with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops who “believe in assisting all those who are vulnerable and fleeing persecution, regardless of their religion…welcoming newcomers and refugees is an act of love and hope.”
We have felt the anguish and pain of so many people. We stand in solidarity with them in our attempt to offer hope and whatever assistance we can offer. Our whole community stands ready to fulfill this mission, and our Migrant Center offers ongoing support to those who are in need of assistance with migrant issues. If there is anyone in need of assistance or has concerns about immigration matters, please contact our Migrant Center at the Church at 212-736-8500.