Offering a Sacrifice of Praise: The People’s Part in the Eucharistic Liturgy
Offering a Sacrifice of Praise: The People’s Part in the Eucharistic Liturgy
The themes of offering and sacrifice are prominent in the language of the Roman liturgy but are often misunderstood. Nevertheless, they are vital to understanding the reasons why we gather to celebrate the Sunday eucharist, where we offer God thanks and praise as the gathered body of Christ for all that God has bestowed upon us in Christ. This weekly offering is the culmination of our daily self-offering to God with all that we are and do. The gifts of bread and wine offered in imitation of Jesus’ own example, are given back to us as the holy gifts of Christ’s body and blood so that we may be transformed into what we receive.
During these eight Zoom sessions, we will explore these themes in the prayers of the Roman Missal and focus on the people’s role in this offering as it is expressed in the liturgical actions and texts.
Instructor: Mr. Paul Sansone, M.A.
Tuesdays, October 10, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2023
12:00 noon – 1:00 PM
Fee: $80.00