Summer Adult Education: What Happens at Mass?
CATHOLICISM 101: “What Happens at Mass?”
We go to Mass Sunday after Sunday, but do we really know what’s going on? Why does the priest wash his hands? How do they choose the readings? Why do we keep getting up and down? What happened to the bells?
This summer, take some time to learn more about our supreme act of worship: The Mass.
During this five-week course we will study the parts of the Mass and the spirituality behind them. We will also reflect on how our prayers and rituals illuminate our Catholic understanding of creation, the incarnation, the bible, discipleship, and salvation.
This class is open to everyone: Catholics and others who would like to learn more about Catholicism.
The course is designed to be a combination of lecture and discussion.
Wednesdays June 14, 2023 – July 19, 2023 (No Class July 5th)
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM or 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (evening class available on Zoom also)
San Damiano Hall (129 W. 31st Street, NYC)
Instructor: Joseph Nuzzi
Text: Driscoll, Jeremy What Happens at Mass (Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago: 2005) available at:
Fee: This Adult Education Summer course is offered free of charge.
A free will offering is requested. (Normal course fee is approx. $10 per week of the class)