Easter Flower Memorials were offered for the following loved ones…. Thank you.
The flowers and plants that decorate our church at Easter are a sign of our joy in the Resurrection of Christ and our hope in the resurrection of those who have gone before us.
They have been donated in memory of:
Frances M. & Stephen J. Rosty & Family
Joseph Adrien
Andrea Alampi
Agnes and Maurice Albenda
Clem Aleong
Bob & Joan Andrejko
Mary and Ed Andriessen
Members of the Armiger and Badami Family
Bernadette Jean Augustin
Jérôme Abellard Augustin
William S Austin
Thelma Austin
Monica and Peter Azzarelli
Teresa and Frank Badami
Gloria Bancker
Marie Therese & Raymond Barrau
Ann and John Bauer
Fredrick Bethel
Orizana Bethel
Nancy Borillo
Dnise and Brian Lydon
Louis and Francesca Bruschi
Members of the Bruschi Family
Mother Deborrah Joseph Buck
Leslie Caci
Joan Mitchell Call
George Call
Jean Capone
Robyn and Mary Carlson
Elizabeth, Chris, Charles, Matthew Carnavale
Members of the Carreon Family
Brian Carter
Robert Carter
Eleanor Castellano
Libby & Joseph Castellano
Eleanor Castellano
Helen and Philip Castellano
Amelia Catajan
Thomas Catapano
Members of the Cavanaugh Family
Charmaine Chapman
Members of the William R. Cipriani Family
Elisa Mary Clarke
Members of the Colozzi, DeLuca & Dugas Families
Rita Coppa
Lori Cotillessa and Family
Jane D’Agostino
Rev. Bart Daly
Angelina de Jesus
Deceased Family and Friends (Haiti, Ukraine, Gaza)
Istvan Dekany
Lake Dekany
Danilo Diaz
Maria Amelia Diaz Manaog
Catherine Haley Diehl
Tom & Theresa Dolan
George and Dodie Dresch
Mary & James Dunleavy
Members of the Dunleavy and Brown Families
Anna & Michael Dunleavy, Sr.
Lee and Taylor Family
Sister Peggy Fanning
Elizabeth Flynn Fishman
Catherine Fleet
Ajax Francis
E. Friend
Linda and Richie Frubes
Marlene Gallipani
Maura and Noel Gammell
Members of the Gatcho Family
Members of the Gregorio and Tanega Families
Dieter Grether
Karen and Charles Grotticeli
Heo Heon-Geun
Manuel y Nilda Hidalgo
John, Hollie, Aidan and Julian Holmes
Mary Jane Howell
Members of the Hsu & Yeh Family
R. Isaacs
Jane R. and Charles Janiak
Jane Janiak
Rosaire Jean
Lincoln Jobes
Curt Johnson
Jeno Kiss
M. Knowles
R. Knowles
Kathe Kramer
M. Kuerzi
Prospera Fernanda Lake Lesieux
Luke LaRoche
Don Lavende
Diane Lawrence and Family
Doris Lee-Bruschi
Ilona Legradi
Jean Lesieux
Margarita Lopez Rivera
The Lopez Sisters
Tanya Lukowiak
Members of the Manuel Hidalgo Family
Ann McCarthy and Family
Father Felix McGrath, OFM
Bernadette and Sean McGuinness
Helen McKeon
Jose & Esther Medina
Joan Melone
Billy Meyer
Alice Miller
Laura Miraglia
Juliana Missamou
Daniel M. Missamou
Peter Mitchell
Anne Mitchell
Michael Mitchell
Gheorghe Molesica
Members of the Monteleone Family
Mary and Liam Moran
Alba & Luis Naranjo
Giti Neuman
Véronique Ngongo
Elizabeth Nichols
Mary O’Brien
Antoinette Owen O’Connor
Olive O’Neill and Breda O’Neill
Eida Ortiz
Steve & Janet Oryzysyn
Eileen Brigid O’Sullivan
Assunta Palandro
Henry Palladino
Michael Pavy
Vincent and Doris Perfetti
James Perkins
Fondine Perkins
Florence Permanand
Enrica, Thomas and Maddeline Pitz
Members of the Pizzurro Family
Justion Powell
Jane Reddy
Maggie Rittler
S. Ross
Tricia Rumola
Members of the Sader & Neder Family
Members of the Santiago Family
Cathy Selleck
Migdalia Snee
Jessie Sotto
Aida Nery Sotto
Members of the SPERA & PANDONE Family
Jim Sutton
Gabriel Tarud
Pedro Tavares
Members of the Tavarez and Mejias Families
Laura Thompson
Nicole Thompson
Ruthand Larry Thorne
Assunta and Antonio Torangelo
Manuelita Torribio
Doris Traad
Ellen Traina
Kiah Traverso
Members of the Vicencio Family
Dorthey Wendt
Jennie & Charles Wildes, Sr.
Euloge Yengo-Passy
Ernest V. Young
Kim Young-hee
Members of the Zimbaldi Family
Clyde, Angela, Keith, Christine, Aida, David, O, Christopher
For the Special Intentions of:
Barbara Sonntag
Keith Kemp
Joseph Riccio
The Paschal Candle and Easter flowers
have been donated for the special intentions of
Catherine Puangco.