Forum on the Migration Crisis in Mexico
Fray Tomás González Castillo, O.F.M. is the founder of La 72 Hogar Refugio Para Personas Migrantes.
La 72 Home and Refuge for migrants is a project of the Franciscan Province of Southwest Mexico and focuses primarily on protecting migrants’ human rights and offering humanitarian assistance as they travel through Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico, one of the most dangerous areas along the migratory route towards the United States. La “72” is named in honor of the 72 migrants that were murdered August 24, 2010 in San Fernando Tamaulipas.
Fray Tomás has been awarded the 2017 Human Rights First Award for his work in advocating for our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters. Since its founding in 2011, La 72 has helped more than 50,000 people experiencing forced migration.
Please join our panel discussion featuring Ramón Márques, Director of La 72, and other human rights advocates as we discuss the migration crisis in Mexico and Central America.
The event will be held on:
Tuesday, October, 17, at 6:00 PM
in San Damiano Hall.
It is being hosted by the Migrant Center of St. Francis and sponsored by Franciscan International. For more information, contact [email protected] or call 212- 736-8500, Ext. 377.